We specialise in: Household glass, commercial, new glazing and replacement glazing.
We keep a full range of reflective solar glass and tints. Our product range consists of the popular sandblast film or sandblasted glass. All glass and glazing conforms to the “SAGGA rules and regulations” We also manufacture glass furniture. Aluminum suppliers and installers of a full range of patio doors, windows, and shop fronts. Specialists in quick closures including patio and balcony enclosures. Shower modules include “frameless” and full frame. Mirrors manufactured to client’s size, requirements, design and specifications. Glass Furniture Made to client’s requirements. All glass in the manufacturing process of furniture will be safety glass. Glassguys is a “Smart Glass Partner” which entitles you to a 12 month guarantee against faulty workmanship and or product. We have 60 years’ experience in the Glass industry