For a quotation please send us your ground and 1st floor plans, site location and contact number to or WhatsApp 071 335 5135 / 072 785 8588 or 084 643 5717
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm. Saturday 8am to 3pm. Sunday Closed.
Always available on WhatsApp or Phone.
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Direct Bank Transfers
5-star rating on Google and Facebook
Enviro Concrete Slabs and Stairs on Google Reviews
Honors & Awards
5-star rating. Excellent reviews. 90% referral rate from happy, satisfied customers. Superior quality products. Initiators of Polystyrene Rib and Block slabs in Gauteng.
WhatsApp Polystyrene Rib & Block Slabs - 170mm, 255mm, 340mm. 2. Concrete Rib & Block Slabs - 170mm, 200mm, 255mm, 340mm, S-Tray block. 3. Roof Slab - pre-pressed ribs, hollow core blocks, Y-10 Ref100Mesh. 4. Designer Staircases - Your Choice!5. Beams - Arch, Internal, Ring, Up and down standing. 6. Lintels 110x75mm, Maxi Lintel 140x75mm, Ribs 140x60mm, Planks 230x75mm. 7. Installation - structural integrity, cantilevers, insolation, isolation. 8. Ready Mix Concrete. 9. Engineering - including Certification. 5 STAR RATING! 90% of projects are REFERALS from happy, satisfied clients. Long-term customer base with multiple projects for more than A DECADE. Quick, Professional Service. Always available.