Anti-Smash and Grab Tint
East London Eastern Cape 5201
It is 1999 and Don Titford, recently retrenched after 35 years of service, buys a little business polishing cars to augment his pension. That little business has grown into the family run enterprise it is today, providing various services and products to keep your vehicle and it occupants secure and to supply products to make the driving experience safer, and more pleasurable.
Over the years it has faced its fair share of challenges and has had to adapt to changing market conditions and evolving technologies, but the one constant has been the vision to make every customer a friend by developing sincere relationships with everyone we encounter.
We believe that, even in this age of impersonal technology, all business is people driven and the basic human desire to be listened to and understood will never change. Living by the mantra that the sole function of a business is to find and keep customers keeps business simple for us and also keeps us focused on what's important, satisfying our customers' wants and needs.
Our vision is regional expansion driven by partnering with suppliers that share our core values and to supply superior products and services at affordable prices.
Our mission is to build long term, sincere relationships with our customers, clients and suppliers.
To conduct good business honestly and fairly.
To ensure employment security to our staff to and to provide an ability for personal growth and a betterment of their personal circumstances.