The basic duty of a Close Protection Officer, also known as a CPO, is to protect the clients physical well-being, peace of mind and privacy, to the full extent of the nature of protection.A CPO is well trained, experienced and demonstrates their professional knowledge and ability in order to gain the clients confidence. They will also have a smart appearance, be courteous, confident and efficient.
Close protection can be done solo or in the form of a team.
Close protection can be done in a discreet manner as well, in order to protect the client’s low profile that they might want to maintain. The CPO/team will blend in with their surroundings, whilst scrutinizing potential risks, and calculating these against their expertise.
Our company has relevant connections, so if other assistance is needed, either by police or medical, back-up is only a call away.
The CPO/team will ensure the smooth running of the task at hand - at all times.
The term Body Guard (BG) is only made as a reference to the position within the formation. The BG is the CPO that is responsible for the client, and in the event of an emergency, the BG is the nearest person to the client for evacuation.