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Posted By WebNetWorx on 12/15/2018

Gazebo shade ports

—This is what has become the norm in the vehicle protection industry today. Most individuals and corporations use this method due to its low steel cost input and economical design. The cost of protecting a vehicle in this way is very popular throughout the country.

—This method is available in a four post system which comprises of the basic columns, hoops, swivel connector, shade cloth and wire rope.

—It serves the basic function of vehicle protection and will remain intact under normal weather conditions. Periodic maintenance is required on the structural steel and the shade cloth will also need tightening from time to time to keep it neatly fixed to the steel frame work.

—This system can be replaced by a cantilever version. This is done by replacing the standard columns with cantilever columns and hangers from which the canopy steel work and shade cloth is suspended. This renders the driveways free from obstruction and vehicles can move around without the risk of collision into a column.

—This system can also be bolted from walls if that opportunity becomes available. The columns are replaced by wall plates which are anchored suitably into the concrete or brick building from which the shade port canopy is suspended.

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