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Liectroux Việt Nam

Hanoi South Africa

Posted By Liectroux Việt Nam on 12/16/2023

Liectroux Việt Nam

Liectroux Việt Nam

"Many lives – Many times" is written by Professor John Vu - Nguyen Phong in 2017. The first volumn is completed in early 2020 recording stories and strange past life experience of a longtime soulmate, Mr. Thomas - a famous financial trader in New York. These untold stories will help people around the world contemplate and discover the laws of Causality and Reincarnation of the universe while the earth is facing many calamities, fluctuations, and crises. Many Lives Many Times is a major work with insights into the many aspects of life. It is a grand, lively picture about the mysteries of life, stretching from the ancient Egyptian kingdom of the great Pharaohs to the mighty civilization of Atlantis, and then to the modern United States, where the main character, the author's long-standing friend, Thomas, is currently living. Many Lives Many Times reveals to readers, for the very first time, an endless new source of knowledge of humanity, along with erudite analysis, and surprising predictions about the present and future world in wise philosophers’s perspectives. Throughout this work, intended to awaken people, the key message is the origin and operation of the Universe’s law of causality and samsara.

https://liectroux.vn/    https://digihouse.vn/

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